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Types of clients we want to work with

Updated on 28 April 2023
5 minutes read

It's not all about money

As Co-Founder, one of the first questions we asked ourself was who to work with and, after thinking for a long time and based on our experience, we decided to create this web design agency able to satisfy big clients and small clients.

This gives variety to everyday life and does not let boredom creep into a designer's diary. We have some clients who are spending decent money with us and we also have small clients who are just starting their journey.

So the question is, do we only accept a project based on how much they are willing to spend?
The answer is NO.


Starting a project together requires communication and direction. We listen to you, your brief, and your audience and we report our opinion. Analyzing your competitors and what they are doing right and wrong.
The research phase of the project is extremely important because we immediately understand if we are on the same wavelength in therms of ideas. Planning hasn't started yet. So if both of us aren't on the same page, we just change direction.

We like to guide clients with art direction, research, and theory. But it's a partnership - we start with your thoughts on your business, where you want it to grow, what areas you want to focus on, your opinion on competitors, industry references, website references, etc.
This paints a very good picture in our minds.

If we think something isn't right, we'll tell you and explain why it can be done otherwise. If you're impressed with a web design agency and their portfolio, but their direction for your project doesn't quite align, ask questions and spend some time at this point, before jumping into the design project.


Location does not matter for us. We have clients all over the world and as long as communication is good, and consistent - there shouldn't be an issue.


Beyond your budget, if your idea is great and your requirements are realistic, we'll listen to you for sure.

If you have $50,000 to spend and it's a very simple project, we'll tell you how to spend your money more wisely. If you have low budget but complicated requirements, we will tell you. If you don't know how much a project costs, let us know what's realistic on your side and we'll tell you what feature is realistic on the creative side.

It's also important to have realistic timing. It's not just about budget, it's about when it can be delivered. If you have 20,000 euros to spend but you want it done by tomorrow, that's not possible.


We are a young and friendly creative agency but at the same time, we are competitive and always looking for new challenges.
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